Car insurance seems like a straightforward concept. You pay a monthly premium and you’re covered if you’re involved in a car accident. Things start to get a little murky when you consider other cars and other drivers. How does your coverage address situations that are a little more complex? Here are three atypical circumstances with car accidents and how they’re usually addressed.
1. Rental Cars
When you’re traveling, it’s common to rent a car. The agent at the rental counter is likely to offer you insurance, and you might think it’s a done deal to take it. However, if back home you have vehicle insurance Mount Dora FL, you may be okay if something were to happen. Exactly what is covered depends on your policy, but it’s worth looking into if you’re preparing to travel and you expect to rent a car.
2. Work Errands
What happens if you’re in an accident on your way back to the office from an off-site meeting? Typically, if you’re traveling from one work location to another, you may have a claim for workers’ compensation. These benefits usually aren’t applied until after you’ve reached the max coverage for your personal insurance policy.
It’s also important to note the specificity of the destinations. If you’re in an accident on your way to or from work, this doesn’t count under workers’ compensation.
3. Other Drivers
If you loan your car out to a friend and they get into an accident, the situation can get confusing. You’ll need a specific type of coverage to take care of your friend’s injuries in addition to the damages the car sustained.
With all the possible scenarios out there, insurance can be a complex thing to understand. When in doubt, you can always talk to your agent about the type of coverage you have and what to do in any given situation.